The most important week of Design in Brazil, DW! São Paulo Design Week held from November 8th to 14th, included the Design Oriundi exhibition, which brought together creations by 21 national designers and companies, including Santa Luzia Hammocks and Decoration.
The project carried out by the curator and international consultant Miss Joice Joppert, CEO of Object Brazil, was based on the origins of Brazilian design and remained on display until November 22nd. The pieces were set at By Kamy and at Idália located at Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva Street, in Jardim América, area from São Paulo recognized as a reference in the production of luxury consumption and contemporary design products.
For the curator, the hammocks and hammocks-chair by the Santa Luzia Hammocks and Decoration were highlighted at the show for rekindling affective memories, in addition to awakening the public’s eye to the beauty of handcrafted work.
“It is a company that for three decades has been dedicated to issues of sustainability, environmental preservation and socio-economic development. In addition to the handmade details, the strands of the hammock fabric are made of natural cotton, without additives or dyes. The organic natural colored cotton that is born in beige and brown tones is produced without irrigated culture and the water savings in this production process are quite high”, comments Miss Joice.
For the specialist, the Design – an important sector of the Creative Economy – acts in the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the country, in addition to promoting the valuation of products and services in a tangible and intangible way. In other words, design disseminates, beyond form and function, concepts of citizenship that help to promote development through income generation, quality of life and investments. “The DW! it’s a great opportunity for us to reflect on all of this,” she said.
The exhibition also shows the influence of immigrants on the Brazilian design
The exhibition project had as its research the migratory flows and the influence of Italians, Arabs, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Jews and other peoples in the formation of the design produced in Brazil. As a result, pieces from Araucari, Guto Requena, Nao Yuasa, Guilherme Wentz and Pedro Petry, among others. “All the designers involved in the exhibition bring the load of their descendants to the work”, attests Miss Joice. The curator was also looking for works in partnership with the platforms Fair in Rosembaun and Marcos 500
Also, as part of the program, there was the launch of the book “Design and Circular Economy”, with design and editorial coordination by Miss Joice Joppert herself who is co-author of the book at the invitation of Editor SENAI SP.
Curator also held an exhibition in Milan
In 2019 Santa Luzia Hammocks and Decoration participated in the Brazil Essentially Diverse Show – presented during the Milan Furniture Show, with 2,000m². The curatorship was done by Miss Joice, the guest of Apex-Brasil. The exhibition brought together the diversity of the Brazilian creative economy with highlights in handicrafts, folk arts, design and activities related to music and gastronomy, with great repercussion and opening of business for Brazilian designers and companies.
Locations of the DESIGN ORIUNDI show from November 8th to 22nd, 2020:
BY KAMY Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva street, 1147
IDÁLIA Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva street, 1998