The staff at Santa Luzia Hammocks and Textiles, in São Bento, in the outback of Paraiba, took a break from work to learn a little more about the importance of using personal protective equipment. The presentation, conducted by the judge, and head of the Safe Work Programme, promoted by the Labor Court of Paraíba, George Falcão, revealed that more than 40 people are taken off their duties due to accidents or work-related diseases each day.
The CEO Armando Dantas praised the initiative. “It was something I never thought would happen. Business traditional previous view is that the company was there only to demand and to judge. And now we are actually seeing that times have changed, that re-education is needed so that the rights and duties of employers and employees are respected, “he said.
Dantas stressed the responsibility of businesses to promote Fair Trade, “In our company, all employees are registered. In São Bento, most factories are informal (family business, machines in a space of your own home), where the families themselves run the business and therefore think that there is the need to register staff because they are all members of the same family.
With this work carried out by the labour court, these informal / family businesses will become aware and find out the benefits that can have “he said.
The event – For two days, the Labour Court of Paraiba was in São Bento, in the outback of the State, with educational activities at the open market, state school and hammocks factory, and held hearings on labor disputes filed in the city.
Source: TRT Paraíba Press Office